
Joshi (Women's) Judo Camp - Colorado Center for the Blind July 22 - 24

Flyer HERE

Attached is the flyer for the Joshi Judo camp that will be held at the Colorado Center for the Blind on July 22-24.  We have women from all over the country flying in for the event.  For 3 days of camp, the preregistration fee is $200 if mailed in by June 30.  Like I was telling you at the CJL meeting this weekend, if you have any female athletes who would like to come but cannot afford the fee, we have scholarships where they can help work the event in lieu of payment.  Either the sensei or the student can call or email me to get this set up.

My sister took me to my first Joshi Judo Camp when I was a teenager and it changed my life forever.  That is why when I moved to Denver, I asked my sensei, Eiko Shepherd, if we could host it here since sensei-Fukuda's passing, this event moves about to give this opportunity to women in other parts of the country. Please have your athletes reach out if they would like to attend but need assistance. This is not something they would want to miss and is something they will never forget.

Tracy Crawford-Hangley
Cell: 314/960-4228

Flyer HERE

CJL Election of New Officers 2016

On June 5th, the Board of Directors elected new officers for a two year term.

President:                           Tracy Crawford-Hangley
Vice-President:                 Marcos Batan
Secretary:                           Mathew Knipple
Treasurer:                           Brian Levitt
Members-at-Large          George Barisas
                                                Jody Sanchez
                                                Grace Jividen/Tommy Thompson

As the outgoing president, I wish the very best to the new Executive Committee and well as thank the outgoing committee for all of their hard work.  I believe that much has been accomplished in the past two years as evidenced by the items that are listed below.  I ask that all of the CJL clubs get involved to make Judo in Colorado the best.

Best regards,


  • Updated the Colorado Judo League Website
  • Established a PayPal account for all Judo Clubs to use
  • Registered with Google and established a Google Grants status
  • Re-established a CJL Coaches Clinic
  • Replaced manual scoring equipment with new computers and monitors
  • 2015/2016 Colorado State Judo Championships
  • Visited several Judo clubs seeking advice on future goals for CJL
  • Maintained the Treasurers position with the departure of Steve Shigaya to Seattle, Washington
  • Procured new CJL referee polo shirts
  • Procured referee electronic radios and headsets
  • Procured webcams to record or stream future events
  • Established an electronic archive of CJL promotion history
  • Established an electronic archive of CJL treasurers account history
  • Drafted an updated proposed CJL By-Laws
  • Revised the method for clubs to obtain tournament sanctions
  • CJL sponsored the Travis Stevens clinic


  • Re-establish a CJL Promotion Board
  • Work on webcams for future recording/transmission of Judo tournaments
  • Establish better relationships between Judo clubs
  • Develop Google Grants to the extent that there is a regular revenue stream that can be used to support worthy CJL athletes travel, room and board expenses to major tournaments.  [My Dream—Develop a facility that houses “Colorado Judo” so every club may host tournaments conduct joint workouts to benefit Judo in Colorado]

Cherry Blossom Festival 2016 Poster - June 18, 19