President: Tracy Crawford-Hangley
Vice-President: Marcos Batan
Secretary: Mathew Knipple
Treasurer: Brian Levitt
Members-at-Large George Barisas
Jody Sanchez
Grace Jividen/Tommy Thompson
As the outgoing president, I wish the very best to the new Executive Committee and well as thank the outgoing committee for all of their hard work. I believe that much has been accomplished in the past two years as evidenced by the items that are listed below. I ask that all of the CJL clubs get involved to make Judo in Colorado the best.
Best regards,
- Updated the Colorado Judo League Website
- Established a PayPal account for all Judo Clubs to use
- Registered with Google and established a Google Grants status
- Re-established a CJL Coaches Clinic
- Replaced manual scoring equipment with new computers and monitors
- 2015/2016 Colorado State Judo Championships
- Visited several Judo clubs seeking advice on future goals for CJL
- Maintained the Treasurers position with the departure of Steve Shigaya to Seattle, Washington
- Procured new CJL referee polo shirts
- Procured referee electronic radios and headsets
- Procured webcams to record or stream future events
- Established an electronic archive of CJL promotion history
- Established an electronic archive of CJL treasurers account history
- Drafted an updated proposed CJL By-Laws
- Revised the method for clubs to obtain tournament sanctions
- CJL sponsored the Travis Stevens clinic
- Re-establish a CJL Promotion Board
- Work on webcams for future recording/transmission of Judo tournaments
- Establish better relationships between Judo clubs
- Develop Google Grants to the extent that there is a regular revenue stream that can be used to support worthy CJL athletes travel, room and board expenses to major tournaments. [My Dream—Develop a facility that houses “Colorado Judo” so every club may host tournaments conduct joint workouts to benefit Judo in Colorado]