Hello all!
We have 2 exciting events coming up in Colorado in July!
First, on July 10 and 11, Ajax Tadehara will be holding a clinic at Denver Judo. Ajax is a multiple time world team member and a great guy. To sign up, please complete this form: https://docs.google.com/ forms/d/e/ 1FAIpQLScR5gaRiJVExrUMi0KPE851 dFxNwXgXBtyhwTHj7KIvX2bK-A/ viewform?fbclid=IwAR3CgZBb9- iMLQekuW6A4WlC5Gnmg_ UVdnQCVCVPIHPHZpyx93KGjUbbx6Y
There will be 3 sessions
10am-12pm - Ajax’s tokuiwaza
2pm-4pm - competition strategy, gripping, combinations
10am-12pm - Ajax’s tokuiwaza
2pm-4pm - competition strategy, gripping, combinations
10am-12pm - newaza techniques
10am-12pm - newaza techniques
$60 for all three sessions!
The Rocky Mountain State Games will be the first judo competition in Colorado in more than a year!! We are excited to be able to hold this event. It will be July 24, 2021 in Colorado Springs, CO.
To register, click here: http://www. coloradospringssports.org/ judo-2/
There will be divisions for everyone - juniors, seniors, and masters, novice and advanced, and kata! Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate!!